About Us


Horácio J. Silva

It is a pleasure of our time to have a place online on BRAZIL CANADA GUIDE in order to boost the business through upward the contents of advertise. With this method we seek to meet the individual needs of every person that visit brazilcanada.com
with the expectative to be served.

Fortunately, we have heard from friends and people in use stimulated words about the multipurpose BRAZILIAN GUIDE with reference to the best services available and published in Canada for years helping immigrants, students, tourists, business people, and others categories. You will meet here the key business topics of general information, including day by day needs. Everything we do is designed to provide an unforgettable journey done for 22 years through the Brazilian Guide dedicating efforts to improve every aspect of what will attend the interest of the public.

We take this opportunity to encourage you to participate in BRAZIL CANADA GUIDE’S PAGES in order to improve your market identification to ever-growing your business.

Wishing you appreciation to services, information and advertisings.

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We look forward to reading your comments.

Best regards,

Horácio J. Silva
Brazil-Canada Guide
phone: 416-402 0711/905-839 2209

Brazil-Canada Guide

Circulação nos principais pontos do Canadá e Brasil. Visite as páginas verdes com as indicações para quem vive no Canadá.


Direção Geral - Horácio J. Silva

Administração - Antonieta Lira Silva

Diagramação - Marcus Sampaio

Revisão - Taciana de Lira e Silva, M. Ed MST LL.D


Brazil-Canada Guide and Brazil-Canada Guide Online

são publicados anualmente por Brazil-Canada Guide Inc.


880 Chapleau Dr.

Pickering, ON L1W 1P4

905-839-2209 / 416-402-0711




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O conteúdo dos anúncios é de inteira responsabilidade dos anunciantes.


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